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Community Engagement

Posted on: September 1, 2021, in Latest News

Despite not being able to host the Pondo Pedal (an annual event where we get to raise money to support the schools in the Umngazi  Valley) for the past two years, together with our guests we have still managed to raise a considerable amount for the MAKE THEM FEEL PROUD CAMPAIGN: A Great Place to Learn. We are so grateful and appreciative to our guests for all their love and support during these challenging times.

Sicambeni School, which was declared a disaster school and is in an appalling state, is slowly rising up through the ashes. The donations we received last year, as we went into lockdown, have been used to buy zinc for the whole school and new rooves have gone on. All five buildings have been done and although it has been an uphill battle, we are getting there with lots of patience and goodwill. New windows and doors have been replaced and fitted. The inside of the school has been given a new coat of paint. The current guttering has been replaced and more have been added on all the rooves to catch and drain the rainwater directly into the JoJo tanks. We are so close to finishing this project and are beyond excited for the children to finally have a school they can be proud of.

If you would like to know more about how you can get involved in one of the many community upliftment projects and social programmes the hotel participates in please speak to Nicole Craig for more information.

Friends of Umngazi

Account: Standard Bank

Umngazi Mouth, acc #: 082 068 062

Code #: 05 02 22

Ref: A great place to learn + Surname


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