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A Note from Keith and Nicole

Posted on: April 9, 2020, in Latest News

As we write this letter to you all Umngazi is in lockdown in support of the national lock down requested by our President. We are fully supportive of it and have encouraged our staff to support and adhere to what has been requested by us all to #flattenthecurve.

Umngazi has not been spared by this terrible virus that has engulfed our world but we have managed, together with the wonderful staff and teams that we have, to deep clean and close the hotel and make sure that all is ready for when we open again. Our beautiful staff have headed home on their annual leave with reassurance that their interests will be one of our priorities when we open again. A lot of guests have deferred their bookings to a time that we all hope will be safer and easier to travel and we honestly can’t wait to get you all back again to make Umngazi the incredibly special place it is meant to be.

The year has been busy and we have managed to do some wonderful new thatching to units that needed it, rains have been soaking and glorious and our gardens are looking magnificent, the mouth has opened and the river has risen and dropped, fishing has been good and the beach has changed its shape again… always Umngazi is looking beautiful and that peaceful, tranquil happiness that surrounds it has been a tonic to all of us.

We are extremely excited because our well known, bumpy dirt road to Umngazi has been graded. This has brought so much relief and gratitude to the communities as well as to us and who knows one day it could be a beautiful, smooth dirt road. We had some soft rains last night and with little or no traffic on it, it has promise to be splendid😊

Easter weekend is going to be very quiet for us at Umngazi and we are going to solely miss seeing and meeting all our regular and new guests. However, the Easter bunny has promised to still pay us a visit this year.

Should any of you have any queries or concerns about your bookings or visits to Umngazi please don’t hesitate to contact us. We have sent out e-flyers to everyone so please check your junk and spam mail boxes it might be sitting there too. All of us from this side send loads of love, virtual hugs and ask that you all keep safe, healthy and socially responsible so that we can all be part of #flattenthecurve

Take care till we all meet again

Keith and Nicole

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